Monday, August 11, 2003


Stuck in an Airport, Fiddling Away

My third "performance", at Jay Ford's wedding, went well. The flute solo for the processional was very successful. I didn't have enough time to come up with melodic variations on the tune, but I only had to play it twice through, so it sounded okay. I didn't mess up the embrochure on the low D, that was my greatest fear. The recessional march on fiddle was wonderful, I played that two and a half times through. Similarly, the reception was fun, I fiddled for an hour or so there, including breaks, and though no one danced, they had a good time.

While trapped at Philadelphia airport waiting to change planes for four hours, I got tired of waiting and opened my fiddle case, put the mute on, and started playing. Including breaks, I went at it for an hour and a half, and the other passengers would wander near to listen. Apparently, I made a lot of people's wait less miserable, and that was nice to hear. It's becoming increasingly comfortable playing fiddle in public, and soon my piping will be there too.

I've been very lax in my practice this summer, and am forcing myself to get back into it, as new fiddle lessons loom close. Today, I call Philippe Varlet about mandolin lessons, starting hopefully next week.

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