Monday, November 15, 2004


Easy as Soapy Water and Elbow Grease

The Bannatyne bag arrived, as expected, and I found it extremely easy to install the stocks. The blowpipe stock took two tries to get it at the right angle (so the blowpipe doesn't fly out of reach if it ever leaves my mouth). It was easy as lubricating the holes in the bag with soapy water and pushing the stocks in from the inside (which was reachable through the zipper). I then had to grease the zipper, and clamp the chanter stock on with an O-ring on the inside and a hose clamp on the outside (a bit unsightly, but it'll do for now). The water trap took a bit longer, as I had to hemp up its fittting to the inside of the blowpipe. But in less than 30 minutes, I was up and running.

I also like the medium size; it's a little more managable than my old bag, which was large.

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