Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The Musical Vacation is Over

I've been talking to my instructor a lot about the cost of competition. Specifically, how it's very difficult to maintain a band repertoire, a competition repertoire (light music and piobaireachd), and learn new tunes all at the same time. It's doable, but you have to have a lot of energy and keep at it.

Well, I haven't kept at it for the last month or so. It's been all about competition and band. I've missed the last two lessons. That ends today. It's been a nice break, but I need to be pouring it on full speed learning strathspeys and reels.

I also absolutely must record Highland Wedding and Mairi's Wedding tonight, for my July wedding gig in July.

Same goes with fiddle. I've been kinda maintaining my Devil's Tailors sets, but haven't been pressing too hard with the session/repertoire tunes Elke and I have been talking about. Again, the vacation ends today.

I head to Anders' tomorrow. Hopefully we'll record demos of all our songs while I'm there.

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