Monday, October 24, 2005


2005 Competition Season - It's Finally Over

Competition season ended this weekend with a whimper, instead of a bang. I tanked in all my solo fiddle and pipe contests at Richmond, and a chanter squeal from me dragged the band down at least a notch. I did have a wonderful time with the reenacting, though.

I also think I made huge strides in my new Cape Breton competition set on fiddle from Elke's advice, I just got terribly nervous and couldn't transfer my warm-up skills to the competition - though it apparently sounded very good to the audience, I knew the difference, and so did the judge.

The next order of business is to submit my regrade request form this week to the Eastern US Pipe Band Association, and then it's a year of study and technique exercises, to become a better player.

And it's also time to start concentrating on the band. Kim, my candidate for female lead singer, has been out of touch for long enough for me to think that I won't be able to convince her to stay with the project. That's a pity - she would have been a magnificent addition, with her surplus of native talent and charisma. Back to square two.

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