Monday, October 03, 2005


I'm #1 (for now)

The EUSPBA stats are in, and I'm currently ranked as the #1 Grade IV Senior piper, out of more than 780 in my grade.

It won't last. Apparently more people scratched at NH than I'd thought, so I only have a 2 point buffer. And it's a real horse-race - everyone in the top 5 is within 8 points of each other. And there are much better pipers, like Rob Riszk and Nate Green, among them. I'm pretty much guaranteed to end up in the top 5, and I would be more than happy to see one of my colleagues end up in the top spot for the season. It's been a fun run, and I'm hoping this is enough to qualify me for Grade III.

The session at the Royal Mile was fun, but other than Doug Scott, I was the only melody-line player. This makes for a poor session, because it ends up being just a concert. I need to encourage more fiddle club players to show up for the express purpose of drowning me out.

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