Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hopefully "cut off" means only the bagpipes, not our extremities...

The pipe band had a less than stellar showing at the American University gig. In the middle of the first set, the band cut off in a wave of uncertainty in the middle of the third tune. Two pipers didn't know the music, so they were blowing drones. We had been warned that the cutoff might come at any time, and I think someone between them must have mistaken the "stop marking time" signal for a cutoff. That created a block of 3 silent chanters, and the people surrounding them then panicked and stopped playing, and so on until only a couple, including the Pipe Major, were left. The Drum Major turned to us and shouted "What the fuck is wrong with you people"? (he couldn't be heard, but his lips could be read). And when we got back started again, we lost our place in the tune, because the last 4 bars of each part are the same. It was very embarrassing, and we were very chastened. The sin was that we didn't trust our playing. Watch the D/M. Watch the P/M. Follow the program. Don't second-guess yourself.

The second half of the program went well, though.

Last week's concert (with Chris) and fiddle club meeting and session both went well, but there was some concern about session etiquette from one of the players.

Other than that, things are plodding along.

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